a statue of a person in a blue suit and hat holding a fish

a statue of a person in a blue suit and hat holding a fish

a statue of a person with wings

a statue of a person with wings

a religious statue with a cup of tea

a religious statue with a cup of tea

a statue of a person

a statue of a person

a religious statue with a cross and flowers

a religious statue with a cross and flowers

Steam Wolfa statue of a bird

Steam Wolfa statue of a bird

Ill Have a Scotch steam

Ill Have a Scotch steam

Steam Punk Halloween Dragon

Steam Punk Halloween Dragon

a dragon statue with lightning striking it

a dragon statue with lightning striking it

a large dragon statue beast hunger

a large dragon statue beast hunger

a log cabin with a fireplace and a deer statue

a log cabin with a fireplace and a deer statue

a statue of a person

a statue of a person

a statue of a person with colorful hair

a statue of a person with colorful hair

a statue of a person in a garment

a statue of a person in a garment