a colorful round object with many small dots on it

a colorful round object with many small dots on it

a small doll on a beach

a small doll on a beach

cut capybara with a small bird

cut capybara with a small bird

a round mirror with many small bubbles

a round mirror with many small bubbles

a small house with a blue door

a small house with a blue door

a couple of houses with a small patio and a small table

a couple of houses with a small patio and a small table

a small wooden house

a small wooden house

a small blue house with a door and a garden of flowers

a small blue house with a door and a garden of flowers

a house with a porch and a small garden

a house with a porch and a small garden

a small train car on a track

a small train car on a track

a small animal holding a string

a small animal holding a string

a small animal wearing a hat and holding a stick in water

a small animal wearing a hat and holding a stick in water

a small animal wearing a hat

a small animal wearing a hat

a small boat sits in a small shed

a small boat sits in a small shed