a glass of champagne

a glass of champagne

holydays glass of champagne

holydays glass of champagne

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

a glass of champagne with a ribbon

a glass of champagne with a ribbon

a cat wearing a bow tie and holding a champagne bottle

a cat wearing a bow tie and holding a champagne bottle

a cat with a bottle of champagne

a cat with a bottle of champagne

a cat holding a glass of champagne

a cat holding a glass of champagne

background pattern

background pattern

a bottle and glasses on a table

a bottle and glasses on a table

background pattern

background pattern

background pattern

background pattern

a bottle of champagne and a couple of glasses of champagne

a bottle of champagne and a couple of glasses of champagne

a bottle and a glass of champagne

a bottle and a glass of champagne

a group of champagne glasses

a group of champagne glasses